For 2023 our club has only 11 participants in the Winter Challenge, which is the fewest in the 21-year history of the fundraiser. Unfortunately that translates to pledges and donations also being down this year. We are currently not even on pace to hit the $5,000 minimum that the JVC needs to cover its commitment ($5K per yr over 4 yrs) to the Palmer Park project. JVC also has many other regular expenses, such as insurance, which are critical to keeping the club functioning.

The Winter Challenge is the Velo Club’s ONLY fundraiser. As we do have an army of JVC members, I hope you can find an opportunity to make a pledge of support and help to raise sufficient funds so we can keep the lights on!

If you’re not already participating, please visit the Project Njord website which is the landing page for this JVC fundraiser and consider making a donation.



Curtis Sauser


Janesville Velo Club